The Three Great Lights of the Order are the Moon, Sun and Stars. The hermetic teachings are conveyed to the student by division and union. First to divide, conquer and understand. Secondly to bring together in union after purification. This is the process of Solve Coagula. All traditions follow a similar method.
Order | Mystery | Division |
OUTER 0º |
OPERATIONS OF EARTH The Outer Mysteries (0, 4, 8) |
Division of Four The Elements (Stages) |
OPERATIONS OF THE MOON The Lesser Mysteries (3, 5) |
Division of Three The Tria Prima (Principals) |
OPERATIONS OF THE SUN The Greater Mysteries (6, 7, 8) |
Division of Seven The Planets (Steps) |
OPERATIONS OF THE STARS The Supreme Mysteries (2, 0, 1) |
Division of Twelve The Zodiac (Signs) |
Although certain praxis are aligned to the different operations and therefore the degrees, it does not mean that the student cannot learn or practice the other operations if it is appropriate. For example divine inspiration may take hold or the candidate may need to practice certain techniques for the initiations of higher degrees. The division of the Orders is instead to create a structured approach for the student and to convey certain mysteries.