the Order
of the
Emerald Star


The syllabus of the Outer Order and first three inner degrees of the Order of Nocturnal Light is entitled the M∴S∴M∴. One explanation for these letters is the Magicum, Sanctum, Mysticum, which within the English tongue means Magical, Holy, Mystical. This gives a clue to the approach taken within our system and how it differs from other bodies of wise men and or women, who often place focus upon a singular method. The union of these letters also refers to the well within the [Green] Chapel and the Streams of Wisdom that flow into it. Students are taught the methods of the Magus, the Priest and the Mystic, so as to have a balanced foundation within the Arte. No single method of attainment is given more focus than the other. It is however, common for initiates to be naturally drawn towards one stream within the early stages of their development. The ultimate expressions of these streams finds itself within the Outer Order, which may be manifested entirely within the form of the students choosing.

The Chapel Streams

The Chapel and the Streams of Wisdom.

During the rites and degrees of the M∴S∴M∴, practitioners will systematically and methodically be introduced to the various praxis of the Arte Magical, as found within the works of both the Witch and the Magician. Those who successfully complete all the degrees will find themselves in the possession of the tools, words and structures needed to carry out any rite. This is done within the group format of the Master (Magister) and their Disciples, which is explained in detail within the Key of Solomon (KoS). By the end of this instruction, the initiate should have full understanding of the Arte and so be ready to proceed to the Second Order. At this point the Arte Magical is applied to such practices as planetary, goetic and angelic evocations, as well as the forming of the Inner Temple.

The methods of instruction within the Neophyte degree are the four stages or elements. Within the First Order they are the three alchemical principals (Tria Prima). Within each of these degrees the initiate is introduced to these tri-form works in different ways. The first degree relating to the spirit made flesh, the second the unification of the three parts of the soul and the third being the temperance of opposites. Within all cases, the initiate learns how to analyse and purify the body, spirit and soul before bringing them into synthesis again. By this approach the Vessel of Gods is forged.

Those joining the order will be expected to take full responsibility for their own actions and development. Although each member will have two mentors in the form of their sponsors, we have no desire to provide hand-led instructions, as like to a child. Our focus therefore is to create a magical structure and support through fraternity, in which you can progress along the pathway of intelligence. Your progression and development in such, is therefore put entirely within your hands. Thus giving the uttermost freedom, but also the responsibility that comes with that. Should you not wish or be able to devote time to the Arte or our order, then you are unlikely to obtain much from it. With the completion of each degree members are given access to relevant material from the black book, The Prismatic Garden. Also within each of the degrees, initiates are further expected to produce a greater body of work that relates to its particular method and which will further fuel the lamp of the order. This will in turn show that the initiate has fully grasped a balanced understanding of the Magicum, Sanctum, Mysticum.

Degree Title Rite
Probationer Excommunication
Veil of the Mundane
Neophyte Conception (dedication)
Priest Initiation
IIº Magus Passing (elevation)
IIIº Mystic Raising (elevation)
Veil of Pakoreth
IVº High Priest Exaltation (completion)