The Degree System of the Order follows that of the Qabalistic tree of life and is split into three grades by the different orders. They follow the works of the Prince, Prophet & Priest, presided over by the honorary degree of King.
Xº. Grand Magister/Magistra (1) - "I AM"
World | Sephiroth | Part of Soul | Order |
Atziluth | 1. Kether | Yechidah | Xº |
Briah |
2. Chokmah 3. Binah 11. Da-arth |
Chiah Neshamah |
Third VIIº, VIIIº, IXº |
Yetzirah |
4. Chessed 5. Geburah 6. Tiphereth 7. Netzach 8. Hod 9. Yesod |
Ruach Nephesh |
Second IVº, Vº, VIº First Iº, IIº, IIIº |
Assiah | Malkuth | Guph |
Outer 0º |